Reel of despair in Lebanon

Jul 23, 2021


Lebanon’s fishermen and their traditional fishing practices is reeling from high maintenance costs and gasoline shortages.

Last week, hours after Lebanese Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri announced his resignation after failing to form a government for nearly nine months, the Lebanese Lira took a nosedive, trading at more than LL23,000 per $1 on parallel markets. This came after Lebanon’s crisis was ranked one of the world’s worst financial turmoils since the 1850s, according to a World Bank report.

Conditions haven’t been kinder in other cities on the coastline, the boats ended up in the junkyard due to lack of maintenance. Fishermen have to grapple with the debilitating fuel shortages. Like everyone else, they wait in line for hours at the gas station or purchase gasoline from the black market at higher rates.




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